The Difference Between Velvet and Velour RopeA velvet and velour rope is often used for celebrity events, movie theatres and other areas where fancier barriers are required for line design or to get people out of certain areas. However, not all velvet ropes are built the same. Crushed velvet and theatrical velour are popular rope fabrics. In order to recognize the difference between a genuine velvet rope and a velour rope, one must understand the differences in the fabric. Velvet is a lightweight fabric that was originally made from silk but can now contain many different fibers. Velour, theatrical velour in particular, is a cut and woven fabric that looks and feels like velvet. Cotton velour is the industry standard for theatrical velour, but synthetic velours are growing in popularity. This is because the synthetic velour rope is more flame retardant and more durable. Velvet and velour rope are made to be flame retardant since it is often used in theatres and potentially crowded places. The velvet ropes you are used to seeing at theatres, nightclubs and other public events could be made with either velvet or velour – the end result will pass a look and feel test regardless. Today’s manufacturing has perfecting the production of both velvet and velour rope that is great to look at and safe to use. |